Half-Ass Movie Podcast
Episode 140- Captain America The First Avenger

This week on HMP we look back to one of the founding members of the Marvel Cinematic Universe- CAPTAIN AMERICA THE FIRST AVENGER. Does this movie hold the test of time or has it slightly languished on the vine?

Executive Producers: Jim Beverly, Matthew Schnapp

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Hero Movie Podcast is a weekly podcast EXCLUSIVELY about superhero movies. Marvel, DC, movies and TV- Adam Portrais from The Film Find, Sean Keenan from Robot Johnson and Bruce Leslie from Chubby Wizard, Heroes and Villians Podcast- review comicbook and superhero movies in the most funny, nerdy way you can't find anywhere else.

Direct download: HMP_Ep_140-_Captian_America-_The_First_Avenger.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EDT